Let’s Celebrate this Milestone and Victory for Animals!

Happy Canada Day to fellow Canadians!! It’s official that our country has officially banned the testing of animals for cosmetics. It’s news to share widely with Canadians and animal lovers everywhere!! The law, Bill C-47, puts an end to cosmetic testing and sales in Canada so that companies will no longer be allowed to test cosmetic products on animals or sell their cosmetics that rely on animal testing.
I wish to take a moment to be grateful for this push to put an end to the pain and suffering that innocent animals had to endure in animal testing.
I commend the efforts and years of work of all those involved in leading the way for Canada to show mercy and compassion for animals. This is a victory for animal advocates, activists, and all those animal protection organizations that have been working for years to make this happen!!
As I write this blog, I look over at my beloved rescue rabbit, Zoey; a white, fluffy dwarf bunny snuggled near me. Zoey was surrendered to an animal shelter and had a rough start to life but she is loved, full of life, and personality. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering of rabbits and other small creatures in animal testing. I can rest assured that Canada has taken action and I remain optimistic that other countries will follow!
Let’s celebrate the milestone of the Canadian government that has passed this historic legislation. Canada follows more than forty other countries that have passed similar laws to limit or ban testing cosmetic testing on animals. These countries include Australia, India, the UK, New Zealand, Mexico, South Korea, Israel, Turkey, the EU, and more.
How YOU can take action for animals still used in cosmetics tests:
I am pleased to share the promising news that the U.S. is working to pass similar legislation to ban the testing of animals for cosmetics. It is called the Humane Cosmetics Act. At the time of writing this blog, ten states including California, Nevada, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, Maine, and Hawaii, passed laws prohibiting the sale of animal-tested cosmetics. You can help Cruelty-Free International in their efforts to ban cosmetic testing in the U.S. Visit their website: https://crueltyfreeinternational.org/latest-news-and-updates/working-towards-us-ban-animal-testing-cosmetics-co-hosting-congressional
I often say that our individual efforts make a difference for animals. They rely on our voices to speak up for them. Please be a conscious consumer. Do not support cosmetic companies that continue to test their products on innocent animals. Thankfully, it is easier than ever to shop cruelty-free!! Look out for the Leaping Bunny and check the product label or you can visit the company’s website. For further information, please check out the Humane Society’s website: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/cosmetics-animal-testing-faq
I am proud to share this wonderful news with my Canadian friends and family as well as with animal-loving friends everywhere that Canada becomes the 44th country in the world to pass this progressive law to end or limit cosmetic animal testing and sales.