Many of the links I post on Instagram are for my blog articles. The most recent article is below but you can browse all the articles at this link: Suzana Gartner’s Blog.
My Latest Posts
Spring at Sanctuaries: Here’s How You Can Help Animal Rescues & Sanctuaries

Spring is here after a long winter, and it feels like the season of hope and inspiration. As the weather warms up and the flowers…
Here are the links from my most recent Instagram posts:
Did you know that animal breeding is largely unregulated in Canada? Please consider adopting from a shelter or rescue. Read my blog for more.
More: Blog post
posted on January 9, 2020
Did you know that over 350,000 people have pledged to take part in #Veganuary? Check out @weareveganuary to find out more.
More: News article
posted on January 7, 2020
Charlie is Ottawa’s Loneliest Cat
The Holidays are over and Charlie, a four-year-old black cat, spent his second yuletide in the care of the Ottawa Humane Society.
Charlie is a very loving, affectionate cat, but he’s shy and needs time to warm up to people. He loves birdwatching from inside the house. Charlie is looking for a quiet, calm household where he is the only pet. He’s a shy, but healthy and a great cat.
Can you help find Charlie a home?
More: Ottawa Humane Society – Charlie’s page
posted on January 2, 2020
Animal Law is a Social Justice issue. The research links people who abuse animals with serious domestic abusers. This is one reason why I advocate for improvements to Federal Anti-Cruelty Animal Legislation.
More: Research paper
posted on December 26, 2019
Sandra, a 33 year old orangutan was declared non-human legal personhood in a landmark 2015 court decision in Argentina, and has been relocated to Florida. Her case is promising and while can not be precedent in North America, to inspire Canadian and US lawmakers about what is possible for animals’ legal rights.
More: News Article
posted on December 17, 2019
High-end electric vehicles are sporting a new feature: #Vegan leather interior! How long until this trend moves down to the more mainstream models?
More: News article
posted on December 12, 2019
Despite some exciting legal decisions, Canada’s current laws still do not fully reflect society’s values around animal ownership.
More: New blog post
posted on December 10, 2019
CBC news aired a story about a man who purchased his German shepherd, Cruiser, from a breeder he found on Kijiji. He discovered that Cruiser suffered from hip dysplasia, a genetic issue that could eventually cause arthritis, and would need surgery to restore mobility.
This happens because breeders have no legal standards and practices to adhere to.
Here is part of an interview I did for CBC news to shed light on what happens when dogs are purchased from irresponsible breeders.
More: CBC News Article
posted on December 10, 2019
Going Vegan for 2/3 of meals could cut food-related carbon emissions by 60% ….. and going purely Vegan can knock 85% off someone’s carbon footprint. The science is summed up in The Economist
More: News Article
posted on November 28, 2019
Are farming practices in Canada humane? Farm animals are seen as no more than a product and policymakers prioritize corporate interests over animal needs. This needs to change. Read my recent blog post on the issue.
More: Blog Post
posted on November 26, 2019
Young, well-fed, well-muscled horses – such as thoroughbreds or standardbreds that have recently left the racing industries – are sent to export abattoirs
More: News Article
posted on November 21, 2019
Senior four-legged friends need a family, too. In November, consider making a home for an older furry pet during Adopt a Senior Pet Month.
(no link 🙂 )
posted on November 19, 2019
Congratulations! Seoul’s Mayor campaigned for a year to end dog slaughter in the city. Pictured is Maisy, a dog in one of the farms that Humane Society International has closed down in South Korea.
More: Read More
posted on November 14, 2019
37 horses have died at Santa Anita in less than a year. An official investigation has yet to release a conclusion but activists are suggesting a combination of drugs and poor treatment have created dangerous circumstances for horses. Please sign the petition to stop Santa Anita
More: Please sign the petition
posted on November 12, 2019
A historic vote on animal rights legislation in New York City has led to the City Council banning foie gras from force-fed birds within city limits.
More: News Article
posted on November 5, 2019
Wild Ball: Toronto Wildlife Centre’s gala to support the rescue, rehabilitation and release of wild animals. If you can’t make it, consider making a donation.
More: Visit the website
posted on October 29, 2019
November is Vegan Awareness Month in Santa Fe.
The Mayor hopes this action will encourage residents to explore the many delicious vegan options available in their city and by doing so, make a positive impact on the environment, their health, and animal welfare.
More: news article
posted on October 22, 2019
Two different humane societies involved in the case of German Shepherds whose living conditions generated online outrage credited public pressure with playing a big part in convincing the dogs’ owners to surrender them.
More: News Article
posted on October 17, 2019
Elephants are incredibly social creatures that love to wander and play with others. Lucy has lived alone for the past forty years in the Edmonton zoo, the most northern location that an Asian elephant has ever resided. As a result, this extreme change of environment has harmed Lucy’s health and well-being.
More: Blog Article
posted on October 15, 2019
Animal Testing resumes for Avon, Mary Kay, and Estee Lauder
More: News Article
posted on October 8, 2019
The UK is close to banning trophy hunting imports like zebras. It’s past time the US and Canada did the same
Arguments that the killings aid conservation efforts or benefit local communities are dubious
More: News Article
posted on October 3, 2019
Congratulations to Michigan’s shelters on becoming the latest “No-Kill” State
More: News Article
posted on September 26, 2019
California was the first state to ban puppy mills. Their law went into effect Jan 1, 2018.
More: Blog Article
posted on September 26, 2019
National Puppy Mill Awareness Day reminds us of the sad truth behind the puppy mill industry and encourages adoption not purchasing of animal companions. Dogs in puppy mills are treated like commodities, kept in cramped, dirty conditions, left without food, water, and medical care. Many of the breeder females are bred to death.
Share the message and click on the link to find out about events happening in your area.
More: Google search
posted on September 19, 2019