Did you know that the month of February is dedicated to adopting a rescued rabbit month! I chose to bring your attention to these sometimes forgotten creatures that deserve to be mentioned. Rabbits are loving, fun, and there is a need to increase awareness of their plight.
As an animal advocate, you might think that I am familiar with all animals including rabbits. However, I had no idea how amazing it would be to share my life with a rescued rabbit until my family brought home our beautiful white fur ball, a dwarf bunny, we named Zoey! Her name was Sassy when we met her by chance during a visit to an animal rescue and sanctuary named Coveted Canines that saved her life from an unthinkable fate (if she was not adopted). At that time, Sassy (aka Zoey) was two years old, she was an owner surrendered, just left at a municipal animal shelter. Her name suited her well. When we brought her home initially it was challenging as we did not know much about caring for rabbits. I had a rabbit for a short time as a young child. After that time, I had no interaction with them. In addition, we had no information about her history, her life story before we met and adopted her. Sadly, it appears her early life was a sad one. She was very scared of us, and people in general, she was feisty and frightened, and behaved more like a wild rabbit. She ran away when we would try to approach her, it took patience and love to gain her trust. After a while, Zoey became a loving, friendly, and wonderful member of our family. Zoey responds to her name, jumps up with joy like a ballerina when she’s happy, and loves my sons. She has a big personality which people are surprised to learn when they meet her. She has brought happiness to our home and she has taught us that everyone deserves a second chance. There are many loving rabbits sitting in shelters waiting for human families to give them a second chance at love and happiness.
Benefits of Bringing Home Bunnies:
- If you work full-time, rabbits can be left alone for longer periods of time in the home (with food and water and enrichment);
- Rabbits are usually awake from dusk to dawn so they sleep during the daytime, they are very quiet and calming creatures;
- Rabbits are quiet animals so if you live in an apartment you don’t have to worry about noise and disturbance to neighbours;
- Rabbis are great for children as they are very gentle and can soothe and bring comfort and calmness to young kids and teens;
- Rabbits require less space and are often smaller in size than larger companion animals so they can be ideal in a small space;
- Rabbits are smart and can be trained easily to use their litter pan and they can learn tricks and even respond to their names;
- Rabbits are clean and cozy creatures that do not shed and their fur is soft and easy to brush but not required to do so; and,
- Rabbits can form attachments and develop strong bonds with their human caregivers so they can ease loneliness and love.
Sadly, rabbits are often overlooked at shelters and rescues and seen as docile creatures with no personality. That is far from the truth and rabbits, like other animals, are unique with their own personalities. Adopt a rabbit month is a great opportunity for animal shelters and rabbit rescues to promote adoption of the rabbits into loving homes. Since rabbits hold a special place in my heart I encourage you to read more about them and consider bringing home a rabbit! You can find rabbits at your local humane society, shelters, or rabbit rescues in your area.
You can check out the House Rabbit Society website for education and doing some research on rescuing rabbits!