November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month!

Spread the word! Adopt a Senior Pet Today! November is a month dedicated to raising awareness on senior dogs in need of a loving home. Senior dogs can be loving companions and don’t require as much training. Sadly, they are at a much higher risk of losing their lives in shelters as they tend to […]

FUR IS NOT IN FASHION – Join the Fur-Free Fashion Momentum

San Francisco became the first major city in the U.S. to ban the sale of fur! With San Francisco’s new law, it will soon become illegal for apparel companies to sell fur beginning in January 2020. The world should follow suit and implement similar animal-friendly ordinances to reduce the pain and suffering of animals. Every […]

Ending the Horrors of Puppy Mills, One Law at a Time

For many years, irresponsible breeders seeking nothing but profits put the lives of many puppies, kittens, and bunnies into despair without care for their welfare. Puppy mills open by the thousands around the world contributing to overbreeding, overcrowding, and excessive amounts of euthanizing. California, however, made steps forward to dispel the powers of puppy mills […]

Suzana Gartner on Breakfast Television

Your pets are part of your family and unfortunately when family’s fall apart, or couple’s separate – animal rights will come in to play. Suzana spoke about this on Breakfast Television! ARTICLE:

‘Whoever Buys It, Owns It’: The Ongoing Dispute Over Pet Custody

By Suzana Gartner  & Krista Staley Pets are considered to be integral members of the family unit. They command many different roles in a family’s household including companionship or acting as substitute children. Animals have the capacity to uphold these different roles because, like humans, they have innate personalities, command the ability to think and feel, […]

Another Victory for Our Furry Friends in the US

JUSTICE FOR OSCAR: New Law Fights Animal Cruelty in Baltimore County, Maryland April has seen another victory for animal legal protection in one county in the state of Maryland. This victory is significant because many states either lack adequate animal protection laws or fail to enforce the laws that are already on the books. Animals […]

U.S. Temporarily Bans Horse Slaughtering for Meat

There is so much happening in the field of animal law and animal rights are slowly evolving to catch up with society’s sentiments. In the latest developments horses, majestic, loyal, friendly, and intelligent domesticated animals, are being granted with legal protections in situations in which they were sent to slaughter in the U.S. For instance, […]