Companion Animals Combat Loneliness

    Adopting a pet is a strong strategy to relieve feelings of loneliness. In addition, companion animals can have many positive effects on people of all ages. For example, companion animals can help elders deal with social isolation or keep them company if they’re homebound. Similarly, studies show that companion animals can help young children live […]

    Lucy’s Story: Exotic Animal Exploitation

    For thousands of years, humans have exploited animals for their entertainment. Zoos are a leading example of this type of exploitation. Exotic animals are often taken from their native habitat, or a falsely advertised sanctuary and placed in zoos far from their country of origin. Zoos operate mainly to entertain humans and can have devastating […]

    Giving A Voice To Silenced Horses

                Horses are gentle, intelligent, majestic, and loyal creatures who have served human needs for centuries. There is a special and trusting bond that exists between horses and their human guardians. However, the current state of the law in Canada and the USA betrays this special relationship. In Canada, selling horses for slaughter and their […]

    How Vegans are Helping Animals, People, and the Environment

    Veganism has become more popular in the last few years and is becoming a mainstream lifestyle choice for many people of and is growing as a social movement that has drastically changed the fabric of the food industry. The term vegan is well-known in popular culture and familiar to all age groups and in particular […]

    The Link: Animal Cruelty & Domestic Violence

    Animal companions are a great addition to the family as they provide unconditional love, companionship and bring structure and stability in our lives. Surprisingly, animals in the household can also be used as crime-predictors! In fact, many studies throughout the years, from 1997-2017 (described below), have suggested a strong link between animal abuse and domestic […]

    Justice the Horse needs his medical bills paid

    Justice for Justice the Neglected Horse

    Although there has been a significant improvement within animal law as it relates to the legal recognition of animals as sentient beings, a major obstacle still needs hurdling. In animal abuse cases, whether negligent or intentional, criminal convictions may result; however, in many of these abuse cases, the animal who fell victim to abuse rarely […]

    Desmond’s Law: Giving A Voice for Abused Animals in Court

      Animals have unique personalities, the capacity to feel emotion and pain, and the ability to think. Unfortunately, animals do not have a voice to express themselves in times of serious trouble so they need humans to speak up for them. “Animals are living beings and they deserve the same rights as any other living […]

    Benefits of Pet’s in People’s Lives

    Companion animals help humans to live more in the present! From the moment they wake up to bedtime, they live in the moment: they are not worried about tomorrow and they are full of happiness and are always excited to spend time with their human guardians. For thousands of years, in particular, our canine furry […]

    Victory: A Celebration of Animal Rights in 2018

    This year has been an amazing year for animal rights! Let’s look back for a moment at 2018 and celebrate this year of progress for animal rights – here are some victories! Fur is dead and is not in fashion. Some of the big Fashion houses: Gucci, Burberry, Versace, and Jean Paul Gaultier ditched fur this […]

    Helping Homeless Pets

    The holiday season is fast approaching! While many of us have a loving family to spend time with this holiday season, many animals do not. Countless homeless dogs and cats will spend this year’s season alone without a loving family to show their appreciation. However, we are all here to help! Even if you cannot […]